When establishing the brief, it was clear the brand wanted to create not only a distinctive shopping experience to showcase their identity, but an inclusive space that contributed to the wider community. A space where people feel comfortable to shop, hangout and socialise.

Within the store there are a number of 'break out' zones. Firstly, an in-house coffee station serving fresh brews to morning locals and extended brand community. Secondly, a dedicated sound booth for local musicians to collaborate and record lyrics over local instrumentals.

Having duel access into the store from both the street and from within the mall, it was important to draw people in but not feel as if it was a thoroughfare. By alternating the entry points so that they were not in the same line, and building two islands (pyramid displays), a sense of journey and exploration was created.

The brand wanted to shift slightly from their previous aesthetic and set a warmer tone throughout the store. The walls were clad in random width vertical shiplap cedar. The suspended ceiling uses flush fitted textured acoustic panels and the furniture and fittings have a semi industrial feel using a mixture of hot rolled blackened steel and gaboon ply. Both vintage and modern light fittings were specified and strip lighting was concealed in a continuous negative detail at the top of the walls casting a warm wash of light down the walls around the entire perimeter of the shop.

From an architectural / scope of works point of view, we were responsible for the design documentation and detailing of the facade, all exterior and interior materials, cabinetry, signage and co-ordinating all external service & engineering consultants.


